Friday, July 04, 2008
Correlation of mental noise with time and place
Mental noise is incessant stream of thoughts going on inside a normal human mind when it is not focused on anything. By focus, I mean any activity which absorbs the mind relatively strongly such that it leads to temporary unawareness of time and place around us. These periods of intense focus are very small in comparison with our entire lifespan. So, it is safe to say any average human spends his/her most of the time in 'Mental noise'. Mental noise is nothing but some disconnected thoughts randomly appearing in the mind. One specific example of it is a recurring musical pattern in mind after we have listened to it. There is some evidence that more you listen to the same pattern more stronger it becomes. However, sometimes some patterns pop-up even though you haven't heard that song or music since long long time. You wonder where it came from? I have been observing that different patterns of mental noise forms affinity to different time and place you are in. For example, if you are observing mental noise pattern A occurring in particular situation B, then it is highly likely that when you are once again in situation B, mental noise pattern A will occur. Time and space points of our daily mundane activities are highly clustered. For example, you are highly likely to brush your teeth everyday around same time and around same place. The same can be said about lunch, dinner, taking bath etc. So, these are situations when mental noise patterns repeats. This exposes the somewhat mechanical side of our mind. A human mind is essentially a machine without control most of the time. We can exert some control over it but not fully. The goal of the spiritual enthusiasts to have complete control of the mind and the thoughts that are occurring therein.
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