Sunday, January 12, 2020


Each of us is essentially an idea, a desire, a thought, a feeling. Each of us is a unique mixture of these, creating a unique imprint on the collective. Moksh is erasure of these imprints. As long as a single one of them left, it will find an expression in universe by way of a mind and a body. Your liberation has nothing to do with yourself but it is about erasure of an idea, erasure of a story that is finding a perfect expression through you right now.

Is your idea ripe enough to fall off? Is your story lived enough to be erased from the face of the collective? That's the key question.

Saturday, January 04, 2020


અદ્વૈત નો અગ્નિ અરુણાચલે અરણ્યે બળતો, અસત્ ના આકર્ષણો છોડાવી ને સ્વ ને સત્ માં સ્થિત કરતો.

મોહ ના પોટલાં તવ ચરણો માં છોડાયા, સર્વશક્તિમાન ની સમક્ષ ઈચ્છાઓ ઓગળી જતી જેમ કપૂર ઓગળે હવા માં.