Monday, October 22, 2018

Three forms of thought

It seems there are three forms of thoughts. We can also call them states of mind. Air, liquid and solid.

Most common form is air. Thoughts appear and go and move randomly. Also by nature they are chaotic. Mind is at its impressionable best during this time. However, each thought carries with it a small physical response in the body according to the quality and the nature of the thought.

In liquid thoughts, they are like a flow in certain direction, they are still chaotic but they are channelized on one matter or subject. In worldly sense, when we talk about 'concentration', they are liquid thoughts/mind.

The third state of mind is solid, where thoughts are few and far in between and much less chaotic. This accompanies with usual perception or sensation of solidifying/heaviness in brain. This state can be experienced most commonly just before falling asleep or just after waking up. If one is perceptive enough, they can literally see solid mind melting away and then going to liquid or air which we call normal waking state.

Solidifying thoughts and mind can also be observed while in Meditation or under the vibrations of a spiritual place/environment. I believe, if you hold on to the solid state of mind for long enough, there are exciting possibilities of watching the mind/thoughts disappear or vanish or reduce greatly in intensity.

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